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img_1605.jpg (800×600 2015/04/24 19:48 176.9 KB) View original file Media Manager
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:garden:cultivate:tasks:grnmanure:crimson:img_1605.jpg}}

Trimming around the garlic
The crimson clover was thick around the garlic so I trimmed it with a hand trimmer

img_1627.jpg (800×800 2015/04/24 19:54 244.8 KB) View original file Media Manager
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:garden:cultivate:tasks:grnmanure:crimson:img_1627.jpg}}

Terminating with the scythe
The scythe cut through the clover like a hot knife through butter.

img_1630.jpg (800×600 2015/04/24 19:49 155.6 KB) View original file Media Manager
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:garden:cultivate:tasks:grnmanure:crimson:img_1630.jpg}}

Scything the clover
It was quick, easy work to terminate the clover with the scythe.

img_1701.jpg (800×800 2015/04/24 19:49 92.4 KB) View original file Media Manager
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:garden:cultivate:tasks:grnmanure:crimson:img_1701.jpg}}

First blossoms
These forming blossoms are a hint to the spectacle that blooming crimson clover provides

img_1702.jpg (800×450 2015/04/24 19:50 128.7 KB) View original file Media Manager
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:garden:cultivate:tasks:grnmanure:crimson:img_1702.jpg}}

Tilled under
Tilling by neighbor Randy complete subdued the clover in the area to be planted really soon

img_1748.jpg (800×451 2015/05/30 20:49 127.3 KB) View original file Media Manager
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:garden:cultivate:tasks:grnmanure:crimson:img_1748.jpg}}