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Weeding with a diamond hoe part 2

Anticipating planting a cover crop at our Fall City farm I moved the plastic back to its earlier position, leaving a weedless area exposed.

Appalling weed collection

Weeds in melon patch since June 2I looked at the collection of weeds sprouted since early June. I was appalled at how many weeds had sprouted in the area I had cleared for melons in early summer (June 2) and wondered if I didn't really need to bring in the heavy artillery, that is the roto-tiller.

It's possible to get down and dirty by putting a lot of force into the diamond hoe!

Surprisingly easy

Generally I used the diamond hoe for new weed seedlings, nipping the top from the root and leaving the top to dry in the sun. This growth of weeds was well past the seedling stage. But I began clearing out weeds next to the melons using the diamond hoe. I was surprised at how easily it went, after sharpening the hoe, of course. The hoe made a ripping, tearing sound as it cut through the roots - satisfying for a person with much disrespect for weeds. Clearing away weeds and straw left a pleasingly clear area.

Ready to plant cover crop

Area around the melon patch cleared for planting a cover crop

With just the diamond hoe and a rake I cleared a large area, ready to attack the next crop of weeds that will sprout soon. For the most part I didn't expose much of the seed bank because the diamond hoe doesn't need to dig down to take out weeds.

Working in cover crop seeds

I've had problems getting seeds for a cover crop to germinate because they are sitting on top of the soil rather than down in it. In 2013 I watched a vigorous growth of weeds overpower the summer cover crop I sowed. Granted, some like Buckwheat germinate pretty well, but others really need a head start on embedding roots in the soil. So I have been trying ways to cover up the seeds:

Of course, no method completely covers all the seeds. I'm looking for efficient and effective. I sow a lot more than the recommended about of seeds because I know not all are going to germinate and I can still have an effective cover crop.