White grubs

White grubsThese critters knaw on just about any root crop from potatoes to beets to carrots. I dug out more than 150 in cultivating my garden during the Summer of 2013 in Fall City and prepared brunch for the crows a number of times. (The crow scout still stops by occasionally when I'm working there just to see if I found more.)

In the Fall of 2013 I treated the area with milky spore granules, which initiate some sort of action in the soil that kills these. Still I have found a dozen or so this year and I'm hoping my potatoes are untouched.

I didn't find any grubs in harvesting potatoes, but I did find a couple of potatoes that appeared to be devoured by grubs. At least there's some progress.

The white grubs are one stage in the life cycle of some beetle, but I'm told these aren't related to the Japanese beetle.